(Atawa Jazz Jawa)
Orang Jawa Main Jazz
kua etnika & Purwanto
Bintang Tamu: Trie Utami, Christoper Abimanyu, G. Djaduk Ferianto
Tanggal Pementasan:
Pukul: 20.00 WIB
Graha Bhakti Budaya ?
HTM: Rp. 100.000,- ; Rp. 75.000,- ; Rp. 50.000,-
Hubungi: Widya di 021 3265673 ; 021 314 94 25
Pukul: 20.00 WIB
Gedung Societed ?
HTM: Rp. 50.000,- ; Rp 30.000,-
Hubungi: Wuri di 081 328 008 567
Padepokan Seni Bagong Kussudiardja ? 0274 376 394
One million foot steps were on that old district; the arrogant until idle steps mingled in a dance floor of life of the old city Baraga (Bandung-Indonesia), which the big mosque belonged to its icon. I met every levels of profession in that city; they were like moon and stars that decorated the sky in the daylight.
The entire alley was for seller’s show window who sought their fortune. They showed many variant of stuff as their source of their life. Sometimes their struggle time was varied with a little laughter for themselves or their colleagues.
Between the crowded alleys, there slipped people who sold their sympathy whishing that it could be paid with good fortune.
Peeping the lower class in Baraga, for me it was as pleasant as drinking a cup of coffee with traditional recipe. In my eyes, they were encountered with two things, first because of the destiny or second because of indolent.
Whether it was covered or indeed covered intentionally, the upper class was as if much more thought that the lower class life was just the usual thing and not necessary they thought or even concerned about.